Cost Optimization Your AWS Select Tier Services Partner TALK TO WEI
Cost Optimization with WEI & AWS

Achieve Financial Efficiency with AWS

Cost optimization is a critical component of managing your AWS environment effectively. WEI, as an AWS Select Tier Services Partner, provides expertise in implementing cost management strategies that help you maximize the value of your AWS investments while maintaining control over your cloud spending. 

Key Services Offered by WEI

WEI’s FinOps Accelerator

WEI’s FinOps Accelerator is designed to help organizations achieve optimal business value by making collaborative, data-informed spending decisions. This program empowers IT leaders, CIOs, finance teams, and engineering professionals to optimize their cloud investments and enhance overall efficiency. 

  • Establish Tagging Standards and Automations: Implement effective tagging strategies and automation for show-back to key cloud stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accountability in cloud spending.
  • Collaborative Decision-Making: Foster a culture of collaboration between IT, finance, and engineering teams to make data-driven decisions that optimize cloud costs.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Control: Improve visibility into cloud spending and usage patterns, enabling better control and proactive management of cloud resources.
  • Cost Optimization Strategies: Identify and implement cost-saving opportunities, such as rightsizing resources, leveraging Savings Plans and Reserved Instances, and using Spot Instances for non-critical workloads.

AWS Cost Management Tools

AWS offers a suite of tools to help you manage and optimize your cloud costs. WEI helps you leverage these tools to gain insights into your spending and identify opportunities for cost savings. 

  • AWS Cost Explorer: Visualize and manage your AWS costs and usage over time. Create custom reports to analyze cost drivers and usage patterns.
  • AWS Budgets: Set custom cost and usage budgets and receive alerts when you exceed your thresholds. This helps you stay within your financial targets.
  • WEI Cloud Intelligence Dashboards (CID): Gain actionable insights and optimization opportunities at scale. They help drive financial accountability, optimize costs, track usage goals, and implement best practices for cost management.

Implementing Cost Optimization Best Practices

WEI helps you implement AWS cost optimization best practices to ensure you are using the most cost-effective resources and pricing models. 

  • Rightsizing: Analyze your resource usage and adjust the size of your instances to match your actual needs. This helps avoid over-provisioning and reduces costs.
  • Savings Plans and Reserved Instances: Commit to using specific AWS services over a period to receive significant discounts compared to on-demand pricing.
  • Spot Instances: Use Spot Instances for non-critical workloads to take advantage of unused EC2 capacity at up to 90% off on-demand prices.

Get Started with WEI and AWS

Partner with WEI to design and implement a cost optimization strategy that meets your business needs. Our expertise in AWS services ensures that you can manage your cloud costs effectively while maintaining control and compliance across your AWS environment.

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